Pablo Garcia: An artist, a son, a friend, a creative person, and a brother is a victim of our system and wrongfully convicted.
Pablo has spent 15 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. His time to live a full life is slipping away. Let’s stand together to right this wrong.
Pablo Garcia is innocent. Let’s bring him home.
Pablo is a brother. Pablo is an artist. Pablo is a friend. Pablo is a son. Pablo is a creative.
Pablo is a brother. Pablo is an artist. Pablo is a friend. Pablo is a son. Pablo is a creative.
Pablo’s Story
For over 15 years, Pablo Garcia has been locked away for a crime he did not commit. His youth stolen, his dreams crushed, and his life derailed — all because of a flawed justice system that wrongfully convicted him of a murder he had no part in.
Pablo was born and raised in the tough McKinley Housing Projects in the Bronx. Despite witnessing the murder of a friend, he stayed focused on building a better life. He attended selective schools, maintained employment, and pursued his passion for learning. At the time of his wrongful arrest in 2009, Pablo was majoring in Computer Networking with a minor in Sociology, while working full-time to build his future. Yet, the justice system failed him at every step, allowing unreliable witnesses and flawed evidence to convict him of a murder he had nothing to do with.
The Case Against Pablo: Built on Lies
Pablo is wrongfully incarcerated as a result of Uncorroborated and Misleading Testimonies, Faulty dna evidence, and Prosecutorial Misconduct.
HE was convicted primarily based on the testimony of two men: Ramon Acevedo and Joshua Torres. Both were involved in the crime and had every reason to shift the blame onto Pablo to save themselves.
The prosecution presented Torres as a non-accomplice, even though he had received immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony. This critical fact was never disclosed to the jury or Grand Jury, depriving them of the full context needed to assess Torres' credibility.
Coerced and False Testimonies: Under New York law (CPL 60.22), a person cannot be convicted based solely on the uncorroborated testimony of accomplices. Yet, that is exactly what happened in Pablo’s case. Ramon Acevedo took a plea deal and served 15 years in prison for the crime, while Joshua Torres never served time and was granted immunity (Garcia 440 Motion-final) (Pre-Sentencing Memorand…).
Immunity for Testimony: Joshua Torres was one of three individuals involved in the crime, but his immunity deal was hidden from the jury. The prosecutor misled the court, suggesting that Torres had nothing to gain from his testimony (Garcia 440 Motion-final).
Mario Castro: Mario Castro was convicted of the murder and is serving a life sentence. His DNA was found in a glove at the scene of the crime, further distancing Pablo from the murder. He did not cooperate with either side to help or harm Pablo with the case. (Pre-Sentencing Memorand…).
The following quotes from the court highlight the issues with the DNA evidence used in Pablo’s case:
THE COURT: There was no DNA evidence against this defendant, that’s what they’re saying. So what would you have had to put in the Grand Jury? You had no statement from this defendant, I don’t mean to debate Grand Jury, from Mr. Garcia. There was Ramon Acevedo and there was no DNA as there was for Mario Castro. Ramon Acevedo confessed to the crime. Mario Castro’s DNA is at the scene of the crime. And at the time this Grand Jury was presented, neither type of that evidence was available involving this defendant. The DNA didn’t come until a couple of years later.
THE COURT: That raises a whole bunch of issues that impact on the prosecution of this case and decisions that were made about prosecution and that opens a can of worms that – this is part and parcel of my thought process is that well, then are they trying to frame this guy and letting one guy off to get guy number two? Do they have the same evidence basically? I don’t know that I want to even get into that because there’s so many things that could happen.'
The prosecution relied on Low Copy Number (LCN) DNA testing and the Forensic Statistical Tool (FST), both controversial methods that have since been discredited by New York’s highest court.
The prosecution misled the Grand Jury to indict Pablo simply based on Torres and Acevedo’s statements. However, the prosecution could not pursue trial with just these statements and therefore had Pablo confined for over two years in prison while they anticipated the creation of this controversial DNA test.
These techniques were used to link Pablo to the crime scene, but the DNA evidence presented was based on only a minuscule amount of material — less than 16 picograms — far below the threshold of reliable forensic testing
Regardless, the results were still inconclusive but allowed into trial.
Had Pablo’s case been tried after the People v. Williams decision in 2020, this flawed DNA evidence would have been excluded from the trial. The prosecution's case rested heavily on this faulty DNA analysis, and without it, there would have been no ground to convict Pablo let alone there would have been no case for trial as no court would have allowed this case to proceed with just two statements and no corroboration. (Garcia 440 Motion-final).
The misconduct in Pablo’s case went beyond faulty DNA evidence:
False Narrative About Witnesses: The prosecution presented the false narrative that Joshua Torres was not an accomplice, even though he played a significant role in the crime. The failure to disclose his immunity deal was a direct violation of Pablo’s right to a fair trial.
Improper Grand Jury Indictment: The prosecution’s decision to indict Pablo without credible evidence and by relying on uncorroborated accomplice testimony was another clear violation of his rights. The Grand Jury was not presented with valid forensic evidence linking Pablo to the crime. The DNA tests used on Pablo were created and approved over two years after his arrest.
Pablo’s Time in Prison: Making the Most of His Time
Despite being unjustly incarcerated, Pablo has dedicated his time in prison to self-improvement and preparing for a better future. He has focused on education, creative expression, and helping his fellow incarcerated individuals:
Pursuing Higher Education: Pablo is on the President’s List of SUNY Ulster and is majoring in Sociology. He is working toward his degree while behind bars. His studies have given him a deeper understanding of social issues and further strengthened his desire to help others. (Pre-Sentencing Memorand…).
Writing His Memoir: Pablo has spent his time writing his memoir, documenting his life, the injustices he’s faced, and his reflections on the experiences that led to his wrongful imprisonment.
Tutoring and Mentorship: Pablo has been actively tutoring fellow incarcerated individuals in preparation for college entry exams, specializing in English and math. His work has helped many pursue their own educational goals.
Advocacy for Prison Reform: Pablo has also been part of an organization that advocates for prison reform, working to reach out to senators and lawmakers to support bills.
Character Witnesses: Who Pablo Really Is
Throughout Pablo’s trial and conviction, numerous friends, family members, and even former teachers have spoken out about his true character. Their letters, submitted as part of his pre-sentencing memorandum, paint a picture of a kind, responsible, and intelligent young man who always tried to do right by others.
"Pablo was not a problem kid, never disrespectful, and always well-mannered. I never saw him get into trouble or behave violently. He was more concerned with building his future and loved his family deeply."
— C. Aldea
"... an individual that is committed to what they believe in, who is intelligent, bright, creative, and has proven in the past that they are capable of being a productive member of society.”
— C. Zumbrunnen
"His reputation amongst the community was that of upstanding and trustworthy."
— A. Garcia
"He's helped me learn to do good in school and to never give up on my dreams."
— A. Soto
"I attend Mass every Sunday and am happy to say Pablo... would often accompany me to Sunday Mass... he always felt a sadness that he never knew his father and that many of his peers didn't want more out of life... He has shown to be a responsible and loving young man who aspired to be a good man."
— M. Vasquez
“Pablo was the peacemaker of my class. There wasn’t a day that went by when he wasn’t smiling and eager to learn. He was a great role model for the other students in the classroom.”
— Ms. Wright, former teacher of Pablo Garcia
"He would constantly strive to find new ways to make me proud. It was just as important to him to be successful for himself as it was to prove that he could be the man he promised me he would be."
— J. Vasquez
"... always willing to help you out and offer a hand before you could even ask for help. Always has your back. Was available to hear you out at any time and would never let you walk alone... especially if it was late at night."
— C. Monsalve
"I have no doubt of Pablo's innocence. Anyone who gets to know Pablo will understand how I feel. Pablo has always been an honest and decent human being..."
— J. Soto
"I have witnessed Pablo Manuel Garcia as a jobholder... He has always been a great role model to the children in the community and I speak as a parent... I have never heard or witnessed [him] be disrespectful nor violent..."
— L. Aldea
“In the 15 years I’ve known Pablo Garcia, I can’t see him as the type of person to commit the crimes brought up against him. He is humble, hardworking, and had everything he needed: a loving family and a future he was just starting to build.”
— C. Ortiz
"He is loving, caring, trustworthy, hardworking, responsible, intelligent, well mannered, mature and friendly person. He never gave up on his education and also had several jobs working hard to receive a check."
— I. Velez
"He used to go to school and work and was never one to hang in the streets. He was definitely not a street kid, unlike some of the people he used to hang out with... He soon distanced himself from these people and was more focused on his goals and his future."
— C. Claudio
"I believe he is not guilty and should not be penalized for someone else's wrong doings. He deserves to be with his family."
— P. Garcia Jr.
Pablo’s Innocence Is CleaR
Pablo Garcia’s case is a tragic miscarriage of justice. The facts speak for themselves:
Unreliable testimonies from individuals who had motives to lie.
Flawed DNA evidence that should never have been admitted.
Prosecutorial misconduct that misled the jury and deprived Pablo of a fair trial.
Positive character testimonials from family, friends, and teachers who attest to Pablo’s integrity and innocence.
Pablo’s wrongful conviction is not just a tragedy for him — it is a failure of the entire justice system. We believe that with your support, we can overturn this injustice and bring Pablo home.
Here’s how you can help:
Share Pablo’s Story
Help raise awareness about Pablo's wrongful conviction by sharing his story. The more people who know, the stronger our collective voice becomes. Use the hashtag #PabloIsInnocent when sharing online.
Ways to Share:
Post on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok).
Send an email to friends, family, or colleagues encouraging them to share.
Mention his case in community newsletters or relevant forums.
Introduce Pablo’s Case to Key Decision-Makers
If you have connections to Governor Kathy Hochul’s office or anyone in a position of influence, please help by making introductions. Every connection matters and could support Pablo’s clemency efforts.
Media Connections
Media coverage is crucial to gaining wider awareness for Pablo’s story. If you know journalists or media outlets interested in stories of wrongful convictions or justice reform, please connect us.
Write to Governor Hochul
A direct appeal to Governor Kathy Hochul is a powerful way to support Pablo’s clemency request. Personal letters and emails can make a significant difference.
Action Steps:
Send a copy of this pre-written letter and/or write one of your own to Governor Hochul, asking her to review Pablo’s clemency case.
Mailing Address:
The Honorable Kathy Hochul
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Go to the official website of the Governor of New York and fill out the contact form:
Stay Updated & Get Involved
For ongoing updates and to learn how you can get more involved, please visit our Contact Page to connect with Pablo’s friends and family. We are ready and available to support you in taking action.
Join the Fight for Justice
Pablo Garcia has spent 15 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. His time to live a full life is slipping away. Let’s stand together to right this wrong.
Pablo Garcia is innocent. Let’s bring him home.
Contact Us
Questions? Ways you can support Pablo? Fill out the contact form and someone will be in touch.